The New Normal: People Are Getting Dumber
Trivia: Do UFOs Really Exist?
Capitalism at its Best: Let Them Eat Cake
Privacy: New Quantum Phone


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Jewish Shenanigans: Another Victim of Holohoax (07/31/20 18:18)

A ritualistic humiliation of some really old people, without literally any accusation other than “you were in the vicinity".

Animal Kingom: Flying Snakes (07/31/20 18:15)

Flying snakes exist. And now, scientists finally understand how they can fly...

Sunday Humour: (07/05/20 14:24)

Local father of two Bradley Carson was horrified, shocked, offended, and aggrieved Sunday as his family gave him several racist symbols for Father's Day, the kids and his wife each having given him a noose.

Taki's Week that Perished (28.06.20) (07/05/20 14:09)

The Week’s Most Inelegant, Irrelevant, and Unintelligent Headlines

Capitalism at Its Best: Foxes in the Henhouse (07/05/20 14:06)

Meet BlackRock, the new Great Vampire Squid.

Jean Raspail and His "The Camp of the Saints" (07/05/20 14:01)

Raspail was a man of varied interests. He cannot be accused of being an ignorant xenophobe. He spent many years of his life on various expeditions getting to know exotic cultures. As with many thoughtful Westerners, knowledge of the beauties and richness of distant peoples went hand-in-hand with a greater appreciation for his own Western identity.

Germany: Occupation Lovers (07/05/20 13:57)

The homosexuals and women who run the vassal government of Germany are under a constant fear that someone from the old times, when men were men and women were women, will come and take their power away. The neo-liberals are usurpers to a throne that did not belong to a man, but to a race of man. They stole the identity of a people, they took the humanity of all the peoples of Europe, and all of their power is based on being able to suppress that consciousness indefinitely.

New Normal: How Black Lives Do Not Matter (07/05/20 13:51)

"Explain to me why I should care about the feelings of people who don’t care about mine. I can’t spare a single feeling for someone who wishes me dead. I’m supposed to kowtow to a gaggle of illiterate oinking livestock who can’t tell the difference between feelings and facts".  Jim Goad

New World Order: The Deep State (07/05/20 13:43)

The so-called Deep-State has been given many names over the years. Once it was called the power elite. They are the upper classes, the super wealthy who control the financial institutions, Wall Street, the intelligence agencies, the corporate media, the internet, the military, and the politicians. They are multinational.

Taki's Week That Perished (14.06.20) (07/05/20 13:40)

The Week’s Most Meditative, Innovative, and Vegetative Headlines

Science: Giant Bugs (07/05/20 13:38)

The giant extinct invertebrate Arthropleura resembled some modern millipedes, but could grow to be more than one-and-a-half feet wide, and may sometimes have been more than six feet long.

History Revisited: Slavery (07/05/20 13:37)

More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States.

(Recent) History Reclaimed: Another CIA Coup (07/05/20 13:35)

There is an historical amnesia among Australia's polite society about the catastrophic events of 1975. An Anglo-American coup overthrew a democratically elected ally in a demeaning scandal in which sections of the Australian elite colluded.

Totalitarianism: The Mask Revolution (07/05/20 13:33)

The mask is a sign that we accept the official Covid story for the real thing, just as wearing garlic implies you believe the vampire attack is imminent. Covid is the New Normal; now it is integrated with the Woke narrative. Beautiful white faces at the demo are protected with masks; handsome black faces do not need masks, for it is obvious they are on the right side.

1984 Redux: Digital Book-Burning (07/05/20 13:27)

While on paper, we are technically still free to speak, in reality we are only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners such as Facebook, Google or YouTube will allow.

Health & Science: Copper's Virus Killing Powers (06/07/20 15:39)

For thousands of years, long before they knew about germs or viruses, people have known of copper's disinfectant powers.

Taki's Week That Perished (06/07/20 15:37)

The Week’s Most Addictive, Restrictive, and Vindictive Headlines

History Foretold: The Lost Decade (06/04/20 18:41)

Former Greek Minister Yanis Varoufakis writes a "history" of the coming decade 2020-2030.

History Revisited: The "Spanish" Flu (06/04/20 18:37)

Is the bacterial serum made in horses at the Rockefeller Institute which was injected into US soldiers and distributed to numerous other countries responsible for the 50-100 million people killed by bacterial lung infections in 1918-19?

Israeli Shenanigans (06/04/20 18:32)

Unmasking the God of Israel.

Taki's Week That Perished (31.05.20) (06/04/20 18:30)

The Week’s Most Dated, Faded, and Hated Headlines

Quote of the Day (05/28/20 18:30)

"After observing the reaction of the American people over the last two months, to a virus that will not kill 99.97% of them, I wondered how could a country created upon the blood and courage of patriot farmers and leaders who knew they would hang if their revolution failed have degenerated into an infantilized nation of obedient slaves to un-Constitutionalized authoritarianism."  Jim Quinn

Wisdom of the Day (05/28/20 18:24)

The Coolidge effect is known as man’s general desire to copulate with every desirable female. On one occasion President Calvin Coolidge and his wife visited a poultry farm. The first lady watched the rooster ride a hen and was interested in the frequency of the relations.

"Ah, madam, dozens of times!" the farmer replied.

"Please tell the president", she said jokingly.

The aforementioned asked in turn:
"And does the rooster always do it with the same hen?"

"No, Mr. President", replied the farmer, "he does it each time with a different female".

"Please tell that to Mrs. Coolidge", suggested the president.

1984 Redux: Totalitarianism for Dummies (05/25/20 15:00)

The genius of the West's totalitarian systems is that sometimes they are not very totalitarian at all. They are just totalitarian enough. Truly total government control might spark revolt. By contrast, a sufficiency of totalitarianism keeps the populace in adequate torpidity

Taki's Week That Perished (05/25/20 14:53)

The Week’s Most Hungarian, Contrarian, and Vulgarian Headlines

Corona Wrap-up (05/24/20 18:07)

The Virus Was in Italy in September 2019

Evidence of Global Fraud

The A-Z of COVID19

Nicaragua: No Blue Pill

The Flu vs COVID19

Trigger For a New World Order

What Have We Learned?

What a Mask Will Not Do

Lockdown Lunacy: The Thinking Person's Guide

10 Steps to Turn a Pandemic into the Brave New Normal

The Top Twelve Lies About Covid-19

Bizarre EU Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, with Globalists as Saviours

Corona Psy-Op

Navigating the Hysteria and Fear Around Covid-19

The Brave New World of Bill Gates and Big Telecom

Deep Pockets Love Lockdown

The Science of Fear: How the Elites Use It to Control Us

Computer Model That Locked Down the World Turns Out to Be Sh*tcode

LOKIN-20: The Lockdown Regime Causes Increasing Health Concerns

Lockdown Stockholm Syndrome

Virus of Mass Destruction

The New Normal: 50 Darker Headlines (05/01/20 15:22)

Though all our Responsible Media Outlets are doing their duty, it appears some members of the public do not yet understand the reality of our situation.

1984 Redux: The Lockdown Agenda (05/01/20 15:20)

The Lock-Step scenario portrays in vivid colours the criminal nature of the Dark Deep State.

Orwell Inc. (05/01/20 15:15)

The Seven-Step Path from pandemic to totalitarianism.

Hitech: The 5G Controversy (05/01/20 15:13)

Trust us,” says the media. “We are the monopoly on truth.”


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